Codes and
The girl with the dragon tattoo
Sound- music, intense, rock, horror, fast, thriller, drama,
interesting, urban
Titles- dark,
Images- grey, neutral, silver, black, different, CGI, bound,
restriction, pain, eroticised, sexual, liquid
Sound- conversation, swearing, rain,
clock-ticking, steady beat, noises, quiet (beginning), calm, lonely,
equilibrium, diegetic sound
Titles- Standout, dark background, psychopathic, horror,
crime, font, symbols, signs, death, murder, obsession
Images- city, dark, close-ups , wash with grey, sterile
Train Spotting
Sound- Voice-over, steady beat, song, swearing, implies lack
of formal education, anger, funny, humour, youth, casual, rebellion
Titles- realistic, colours, British
Images- drugs, baby, junkies, movement, low angle >feet,
rebellious, crime, innocence of a child, blatant, realistic, vensimilitude,
heroin, football, silly clothes, genre-comedy, dram
Saturday night fever
Sound- beeps, train, music, non-diegetic sound and music,
swearing, rebellion, humour, disco, music
Titles- red titles: thinks he’s big, hardware store, member
of the community, well known, comedy, drama
Images- city, aerial shot, Brooklyn Bridge, low angle shot,
eating, sloppy, shiny shoes, high maintenance, strutting, success, dreams,
rich, cool, young, city that never sleeps, urban