Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Sound & Camera Work

We've decided to see what examiners will be looking for, and also how we can implent these four components into our product. There are four components when analysing a piece of media text:


Contrapuntal: This is when the sound does not match
 what is being shown on the screen (comical effect).

Parralel: This is when the sound does match
 the image on the screen.

Diagetic: What the audience and characters can hear. A gunshot, is an example of this.

Non-diagetic: The audience can hear it however the characters can't. Examples of non-diagetic sounds:
  • Sound Bridges: This is when you hear the next scene, moments before you see it. In order to create a smooth transition. (Non-diagetic)
  • Voice overs: The voice on an unseen commentator in a film of a television program. (Non-diagetic)

Camera Work

Extreme Close-Up: A photograph or film or television shot taken at  an extreme close range.

Example: An image of an eye.

This is useful for... showing extreme detail

Close-Up: A photograph or film or television shot taken at close range.

Example: An image of an faceThis is useful for... showing detail

Mid-Shot: A camera angle shot from a medium distance.

Example: The top half of a body.

This is useful for... carrying out dialogue, also for delivering information.

Long Shot: A view of a scene that is shot from a considerable distance.

Example: The whole body.

This is useful for... Too show the larger settings before zooming in to show the detail.

Over the shoulder-shot: A shot of someone or something taken from the perspective or camera angle from the shoulder of another person.

This is useful for... Establishing the position of each person, and get the feel of looking at one person from the other's point of view.

Point of view-shot: A shot that shows a view from the subject's perspective.

This is useful for... to put the audience directly in the head space of that character and allows them to understand exactly what that character is seeing.

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