First ever moving camera - The arrival of a train at La Ciotat (France)
- Black and white
- American film versions of Dracula ( ) and Frankenstein (
- Filming started to improve
- End of the war
- Cold war beginning
- Nuclear bombs
- Destruction made by the bombs: people dieing, debry
- Children born with deformities subject to the radiation
- The Russain badies vs the Americans concept was made
- Fighting for Alaska
- Body snatchers

- Body horror- Human Centipede
- 'Teenage' term was used
- Recording equipment was introduced 'Rock 'n' Roll'
- Teens: rebels, cinema, horror, couples, 'jump into arms'
- Smellavision
- Buzzers in the seats
- Drive in cinemas
- Cheap horror movies- teenage market

- Psycho
- female protagonist
- Alfred Hitchcock
- 'Peeping Tom'
- Photography
- Print easily and cheapily
- The pill which encourage sexual behaviour was introduced
- Women had control over there bodies
- Abortion law was changed
- Women gained more power
- Not having to travel with a man
- Many women were filmed being killed in movies
- If a women drank or was promiscious they usually were killed
- Best decade for horror films
- Halloween, The Omen, Exorcist, Black Christmas
- Vietnam War
- News real life footage from Vietnam of the WAR
- Photographs of the soldiers, attacks and children
- Was all faught on the ground bombs and slaughter and torture
- People were killed, burned and slaughtered
- Napalm- Chemicals
- 'Apocolypse Now'

- Beautiful looking women
- solid
- 'Nightmare on Elm Street'
- Corruption to children
- Children look bad: 'Omen'
- 'Chucky'
- Re-makes

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