Sunday, 14 April 2013

6. Evaluation Questions: What Have You Learnt About Technologies From the Process of Constructing this Product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product.

Garage Band( here is the link to the page where the processes of garage band are fully explained) Garage band is a programme that has music already stored onto it, as well as instruments such as pianos, strings, drums and guitars. We used this software and chose instruments and sounds that would sound eary and fit well with our genre- it was used for the start during the animation

Incompetech ( here is a link for the page where incompetech is fully explained) Was also used this programme to create the non-diegetic sound throughout the whole opening- this fitted well with the genre because its high pitched and uncomfortable to listen to.


iMovie- This is iMovie that we used for editing our movie and adding the wash over the top of the lense so that the lighting of it seemed more in keeping with the horror genre.
We also added a faded border around the edges to make it seem like somone was actually filming him.
Lastly the dog with green eyes at the end was decided to be kept from the feedback( here is the link for the page where you will find all the feedback) from the showing to the target audience, which we edited using iMovie

Youtube- We used youtube to search for tutorials on how to use garage band and imovie during the editing stages. This helped us step by step to use it and learn for ourselves.
We also put our media product on youtube so that to get viewers and responses

Photoshop ( here is the link for the page where the processes of photoshop are fully explained for this animation)- We used photoshop to create the animation at the beginning of the opening.

 We made our own so that it seemed more personal to the opening and fitted to our genre and opening.

Hardware ( here is the link for the hardware page, we have fully explained what we used and how we used them within our media product)- We used a handheld camera to film our media product with because, this was simple to use and came with a tipod which it fitted onto the top and this kept it stable for shots which we didnt want to be jolty. We decided this after our preliminary task was completed and edited because we thought that the use of the tripod and camera was the most appropriate method of filming.

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