Looking and Analysing Previous AS Media Tasks:
Camera Shots:
- The running scene is very effective as the camera work is very realistic.
- Use of hand held camera work (tracking) is very good throughout the scene.
- Close up shots
- Establishing shots
- Long shots
- Mid shots
- Point of View shots
- High angle shots
- The graveyard
- The wooded area
- The barn
- The girls is wearing just a beige coat, jeans and ugg boots.
- There isn't many props involved as it is all outside therefore just the setting.
- Gravestones
- Gates
- Iron Bars
- Trees
- Branches
- Time of day
- Continuity
- Straight Cuts
- Jump Cut
- The sound used is very effective.
- Sound of the girl running
- Heavy breathing
- Footsteps
- Followers footsteps
- Gate opening
- Branches shaking
- Kicking the gate open
- Phone ringing
- Rumaging through drawers
- 'Dreams' 'Knives' (in the head voice)
- Friend on the phone
- Phone dropping to the floor
- End of call tone.
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