Sunday, 9 December 2012



Mise-en-scène is a French term which means, ‘placing on stage’; it includes everything which can be seen on the screen including camerawork.




The time and the place in which it is set. The props used will always have specific reasons even if not really noticed by the audience to empathise themes and create meanings. The uses of Ideology and colours will always be specific.

Costume and Make-up:

The costumes and make-up will represent every character in a different way.
The costumes may be aimed at the type of jobs in which the character has, therefore how do they behave or act.
The colours will also be used in many ways to represent things.



The actors will all have specific clothing, and will all move, speak and act in a way in which they are wanted to be shown to the audience.



High Key Lighting- often seen in romantic comedies and musicals. Everything will look bright with no shadows at all.  
Low Key Lighting- often seen in horror movies and thrillers. Usually used in scenes to show tension.

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