What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The kind of media institution that would produce our film would be Lionsgate this is after researching companies that produce similar films and this fitted well because, theyve produced films with same aesthetics and conventions as our opening.
Lionsgate have produced films such as ‘cabin in the woods’ and ‘SAW’ these are from the same genre as our opening therefore would encourage the fact that they are aware of how to produce and know what conventions should be within the film.
We also looked at the film company Momentum who produced the film 'The women in Black' and 'Insidious' they could be a potential producers for ours concidering it has the similar aesthetics and genre. They are a well known British company and this would help have a high demand for the film in Britain because of the loyal fan base, but they arent as big as American film companies who have high budgets and a-list celebrities to be in their films.
Overall we've decided that Lionsgate would be best suited because we researched into their company and they have a low budget division that produces films with budgets as low as $2m and this is low for an American company, because they are very popular they would increase the demand for the film.
We would show it firstly at a film festival because our actors arent very well known and our budget is low this would be to create a buzz and get people talking about it, the twitter page would then be used to attract viral viewers.

We have also taken into consideration that
students, our target audience, don't have the money to meet the high prices of
some cinemas, therefore we would want to offer deals such as student discounts,
days where prices are lowered or promotional deals are offered to encourage more
viewers for that age group. An example of a similar promotion we would use is
'orange Wednesdays’
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