Question 7: Looking back at preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
We have come on a long way, from the preliminary task in
both our creativity and our technicality.
Firstly in our preliminary we made some technical errors,
for example at one part, the panning shot we attempted was jolty. This was
because our equipment was partly broken and was impossible to use. However we
rectified this problem in the real media product, by buying a whole new set of
equipment. This new equipment allowed us to make sure that every shot was crisp
and most importantly smooth. We ended up using the panning technique
frequently, which helped us to show the dog and the man running, heightening
the suspense and tension of the clip.
Example of where we went wrong:
Example of where we went wrong:
Example of how we improved it:
Another example of some of the errors we had to consider was
to do with the continuity of the film, we had filmed the actor walking up the
stairs, and then mid way through we changed the angle. We then realised that
when we were in the editing suit we couldn’t combine the clips to make one smooth
transition, as she was leading with a different foot each time going up the
stairs, so it looked odd. It was then we had to go back and film the whole
thing again, which was time consuming and if we were a profit-orientated
business, it have been very costly. We then learnt to film more then enough
footage to make sure we didn’t have problems with continuity again, but to also, help give us options on which footage to use and which footage not to use, when
in the editing suit. We applied this logic to our real media piece.
We have also learnt a great deal in terms of our creativity.
For example in our preliminary task we used a small range of camera shots, as
we only used a mid-shot, panning shot, and an over the shoulder shot. With a
small range of camera shots, it is difficult to develop any real suspense, and
this was why our preliminary task felt quite boring. In our real media product
we used a range of camera shots, like long shot, point of view shot, medium
shot, over the shoulder shot, tracking shot, close-up and a tilt shot. This
helped to develop the suspense throughout the opening. Also another way we made
the opening more exciting was by adding a animal, which was another technique
we used to attract the audience.
In this, we only used an over the shoulder shot and a mid-shot:
Heres an example of how far we have come as media students, as here we have used a range of shots, mid-shot, panning shot, point of view etc.
To conclude the steps we have token form our preliminary
task to our real media product has been huge, in our filming style, techniques
and knowledge of the film industry.
Our final product:
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