Sunday, 3 March 2013



3rd February- First day of filming we had two male actors and got a bareing of the kind of shots and costume we wanted for our opening. We decided not to use this footage because the costume didnt fit the scene and the lighting inside the house was too dark and lastly two actors didnt show vulnerability which is what we wanted.

10th February- We now knew that having one actor instead iof two was a better idea. It was raining therefore enough footage would have to be filmed outside to allow for editing. Watching it back there was a major improvement from the first set and this was the footage we were happy with using.

18th February- Although we had a good base for the opening because of an issue with the rain we wanted to film it again to see if we could amend it. The rain gave a good effect throughout the whole of the opening in comparison to this set; We decided that because the weather was vastly different the decision was made to not use this and stay with the previous set.

Overall filming more than one time helped with getting a good understanding of the way we wanted our opening and also having a range of shots and lighting it also gave us an oportuinity to choose which looked the best.

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