Wednesday, 30 January 2013


Narrative Theory

How do they introduce the characters/setting?
  • The setting is introduced as very scary and sinister. We created this by enhancing the shadows and making the unknown more present. In addition, the location itself is chilling which helped us.
  • The characters we've created were inspired by our target audience, we wanted a group of teenagers so the audience could relate to the narrative.
Does it foreshadow conflict?
  • We have created short shots which give the impression someone planned what will happen to the characters. The photographs show that the mysterious
How is binary opposition  presented?
  • In our opening we are representing the male actor as 'good'; we have done this by making him seem protective over his dog. On the other hand we have represented the house as 'bad' by making it seem like it has this possessed quality. The look of it helps to convey this perfectly.

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