- Create the music, through programs like garage band.
- Use Pre-made music, through free websites like audionautix or incompetech.
These two ways allows us to obtain (non-diagetic) music that is free, and uncopyrighted.
Obviously diagetic music isn't a problem as we'll be capturing the sound whilst filming, as it is sound that comes from within the scene.
We need two types of music; one type, a fill sound effect, which will be played with our 'WindWall Productions' animation, and the other type, a sinister piece of music, which will be played with the remaining footage.
- Garage Band
Choosing the type of music (far-right) according to what our genre is. Our genre is horror, so we'll be looking for dark, melodic, sinister music; as this type of music is associated with horror.
After choosing pieces of music, you can edit them in various ways. One way which will be useful to us, is to increase the bpm (beats per minute). This will help to convey a sense of urgency and panic within the film, adding to that scary effect that we are striving to achieve.
I was planning for this short piece of music to come in to play with the studio animation, which will feature before the actual footage. Its short tone, is very rememberable, which adds to the overall effect the film has on the audience.
2. Audionautix
I came across a piece of music from Incompetech, which I was particularly impressed with. The constant high-pitched noises and mechanical sounds created by percussions instruments, allows the music to gain suspense and tension as it progresses. All of which make the audience's viewing experience uncomfortable and unnerving. This is no doubt suited for a horror genre, which plays into our hands.
The advantages of this, in comparison to garage band, is that no hassle or time is put into creating the music, also the music tends to sound more professional when it comes from a website. However unlike garage band, you can only edit the music to a certain extent, therefore at some stages the music may seem a bit out of place in relation to the picture.
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